Copyright: Stars on Art
Welcome to Stars on Art
The premier source for artwork of famous classic actors
On our site you will see our large collection of unique artwork of hundreds
of famous modern and classic Hollywood movie stars, along with a great
selection of movie posters. Our most recent addition includes recreations
of the original base paintings used for many vintage posters.
Base paintings
Neon portraits
Psychedelic portraits
Vintage posters
3D posters
Digital paintings
Pop art posters
Minimalist portraits
Silent film posters
Portrait paintings
Geometric portraits
Charcoal portraits
Modernized portraits
Warhol style
Colorized photos
Stereograhic portraits
Artist names
Artist styles
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Made with Xara
Welcome to Stars
on Art
The premier source for
artwork of famous classic
On our site you will see our large collection
of unique artwork of hundreds of famous
modern and classic Hollywood movie stars,
along with a great selection of movie posters.
Our most recent addition includes
recreations of the original base paintings
used for many vintage posters.
Base paintings
Silent-film posters
Digital paintings
Vintage posters
Colorized photos
Warhol Pop-art style
Modernized portraits
Charcoal portraits
Geometric portraits
Portrait paintings
Minimalist portraits
Pop-art posters
Psychedelic art
Neon portraits
Stereographic portraits
Gallery tours
Poster art styles
List of artists
Poster art styles